Akashic Record Agreement

About Your  Session With Me:

  • I have trained through The Center for Akashic Healing with Master Healer/Teacher Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. I successfully completed all requirements for Certified Akashic Healer Level 1 and Level 2. 
  • I have also studied and been certified through various people such as Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes (CP Enneagram Academy.) C. Myss (Sacred Contracts Archetypal Consultant); Martha Beck, (I am a Martha Beck Master Life Coach); Robert Ohotto (I have received Intuitive Life Strategy Training) and trained with others.  I am not an employee, contractor or agent of any of these people I have trained with or been certified by.
  • The processes I work with are based on the premise that each client has the basic knowledge and operating instructions to create his or her right life.
  • In addition to the above training, I have a degree in Social Work, BSW.  I am committed to continuing to develop my skills ongoing.
  • All contacts, information, and records are confidential.  
  • While I have counselling experience and qualifications and may sometimes borrow from specific theories or techniques, there will never be diagnosing or treating of mental health disorders during a session.
  • The  Akashic Record session will either be one hour long or a 90-minute session.  
  • When you access PayPal and make the payment please make note that on your Visa statement, the reference will refer to my numbered Company 0823048 BC Ltd. ([email protected]
  • We will determine a mutual time to talk together via Cell phone or conference line or Zoom. (If a recording of a Session is desired be aware due to the nature of technology a recording of a session is not guaranteed). In the event that you must cancel your scheduled session a 24-hour notice is required.  

About Your Commitment:

  • You understand that consulting sessions are not advice-giving, or psychotherapy.  You agree to seek these or other professional services if needed.  
  • You are responsible for the decisions and actions you take in regard to your life and your affairs.  You agree to be mindful of your own well-being during the course of this session.
  • You shall in no way hold the consultant liable or responsible for any actions you take during or after this consultant relationship. 
  • You understand that the consultant makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, about any results to be achieved.
  • You acknowledge that you have had the opportunity to review this agreement and that you understand all aspects within it and you agree to abide by it.

*By purchasing this product and checking the agreement box, you are agreeing that you have read and understood all statements made on this page.